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Unhurrying with A Rule of Life

Guest User
Unhurrying with A Rule of Life

Why should I slow down?

Hurry is the great enemy of spiritual life. To live the way of Jesus, we have to slow down. But this is not easy in the chaos of our urban, digital world. To experience the life of Jesus, we have to adopt the lifestyle of Jesus. Allow his pace and his practices to rule our lives. Hurry will sever your connection to God, to other people, and to your own soul. We must ask ourselves, who are we becoming? Slow down, learn the unforced rhythms of grace, and find rest for your soul.

Rule of Life Workbook

In the Rule of Life Workbook, you will develop a personal rule of life to follow the pace and practices of Jesus. It’s been said that we achieve inner peace when our schedule is aligned with our values. A rule of life is simply a tool to that end. Rather than a rigid, legalistic to-do list, it’s a life-giving structure for freedom, growth, and joy.


Before you begin the practices with your community, listen through these teachings to understand why this practice is important and discover what it can do in your life.


The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

Unhurrying and discovering the ancient practice of a rule of life as a way to slow down to the speed of love.


Developing a Rule of Life

How do we "abide in the vine" in the age of smartphones, news alerts, urban noise, and the demands of adulthood?


The Case for a Digital Asceticism

Even if we come up with a healthy, wise, thoughtful rule of life, our digital devices will sabotage our best intentions.


The Power of Quiet in a World of Noise

It’s not just the hurry of the modern, secular world that’s at odds with the life we crave, but the noise.


Sabbath Summit

Ultimately nothing in this life, apart from God, can satisfy our desires. But tragically we continue to chase desire in a chronic state of restlessness.


The Power of Margin in a World Without Limits

The concept of margin is alien in a secular world that is obsessed with efficiency, but has no vision of eternity.


Joy: Part 1

Spiritual director Evelyne Underhill once said, “The spirit of Joy and the spirit of Hurry cannot live in the same house.”


Joy: Part 2

We have far more agency than we realize when it comes to living a happy life.



Follow along with each part of this practice. We recommend you work through it with your community, a small group triad, a weekly meal with friends or neighbors, your roommates, whatever works. Get a group of people, set a time each week to share a meal, then talk and pray for about an hour. Transformation happens in community. 


Starting Your Rule of Life

A schedule and set of practices and relational rhythms that help us create space in our busy world.


Digital Rule of Life

There is little debate among people that for every leap forward in digital technology, we pay a cost.


Silence & Solitude

The lifeblood of almost any vibrant relationship consists of two parts: time and undivided attention.



A practice from the life and teachings of Jesus to fight against the chronic restlessness of our condition and culture.


Margin & Limits

Apprenticeship to Jesus invites us to consciously and intentionally take stock of our life and practice editing.


Refining Your Rule of Life

Having crafted your first draft, adapt and refine your Rule of Life with the help of your Community.

Recommended Reading

Follow along with the recommended reading. We want to continually expand our minds and understanding of the way of Jesus. God wants us to love him not only with our hearts, souls, and strength, but with our minds as well.