Preaching The Gospel: Part 3

Life Shared: You’re Invited
by Life Shared Small Group Series
Begin with prayer (5 minutes)
Gather together as a Community in a comfortable setting. Have somebody lead a prayer asking the Holy Spirit to lead and guide your time together.
Watch This Video (15 minutes)
For the next three weeks, we will be using videos and guides from Alpha’s Life Shared Series. You can find out more at
Discuss the Following with Your Community (20 minutes)
How do you feel about the idea that God wants to partner with you?
What stood out to you from what Danielle shared? What inspired and challenged you?
Read & Discuss This Scripture: Acts 1v8 (25 minutes)
What fears come up when you think about God wanting to use you to reach others?
In what way(s) does the Holy Spirit empower us to share our faith?
What do you think about the idea that God can use unlikely people?
Have there been times when you have viewed people as projects? What do you think Danielle meant by that statement? Have you seen evangelism practiced like this?
When it comes to the idea of God using us to reach others, what kind of unnecessary pressure do we put on ourselves?
Think back to the person that God used in your life to invite you into a relationship with Him. What made their witness so compelling and attractive to you?
What would it look like for you to change your posture by asking the questions that Danielle suggested like, “How can I serve? How can I love? How can I connect?” in your local context?
Do This Practice As a Community Right Now (15 minutes)
Spend some time as a group or in smaller groups of two or three, praying that the Holy Spirit would give you:
Love (Romans 5v5)
Boldness (Acts 4v29)
Fearlessness (Romans 8v15-17)
Power (Ephesians 3v14-21)
Wisdom and Opportunity (Colossians 4v2-6)
Close in prayer (10 minutes)