
How do we find the good life?
We are told that the good life is found in accumulation. That more is better. We search for the things that will make us happy, yet happiness never comes. Or at least, it doesn’t last. Searching and coming up empty can bring us to a miserable place. The way of Jesus calls us to create space—in our schedules, in our homes, in our finances—for what really matters. It calls us to life with Jesus, to abide in his goodness, and enjoy life to the full in the Kingdom of God.
Before you begin the practices with your community, listen through these teachings to understand why this practice is important and discover what it can do in your life.
As you begin your process of simplifying your home, listen along to these tutorials on best practices and lessons learned along the way from Joshua Becker of Becoming Minimalist.
Follow along with each part of this practice. We recommend you work through it with your community, a small group triad, a weekly meal with friends or neighbors, your roommates, whatever works. Get a group of people, set a time each week to share a meal, then talk and pray for about an hour. Transformation happens in community.
Recommended Reading
Follow along with the recommended reading. We want to continually expand our minds and understanding of the way of Jesus. God wants us to love him not only with our hearts, souls, and strength, but with our minds as well.
Other Recommended Resources