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Preaching The Gospel: Part 2

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Preaching The Gospel: Part 2

Life Shared: Join His Heart

by Life Shared Small Group Series

Begin with prayer (5 minutes)

Gather together as a Community in a comfortable setting. Have somebody lead a prayer asking the Holy Spirit to lead and guide your time together. 

Watch This Video (15 minutes)

For the next three weeks, we will be using videos and guides from Alpha’s Life Shared Series. You can find out more at

Discuss the Following with Your Community (20 minutes)

  1. What feelings or thoughts come up for you around this idea of sharing your faith?

  2. What stood out to you from what Jon shared? What inspired and challenged you?

Read & Discuss This Scripture: 2 Cor 5v17-21 (25 minutes)

  1. What do these verses tell us about evangelism? 

  2. Have you ever had a moment in conversation where you felt like you stepped into what God was already up to? 

  3. What prevents you from slowing down and noticing God and people more? 

  4. Why do you think our culture has such a negative perception of the word “evangelism?” 

  5. What excites you about sharing your faith? What makes you nervous about sharing your faith?

  6. Can you share a time when you were inspired by radical hospitality? 

  7. How can we practice the art of hospitality more frequently and effectively in our context?

Do This Practice As a Community Right Now (15 minutes) 

Take a moment to write down the names of three people in your life who don’t yet know Jesus and spend some time praying for them in groups of 3-4.

Close in prayer (10 minutes)